Whether it be the beating of a drum, the song of a bird, or the horizon before our eyes, there is always something in our lives or in the lives around us that we can draw inspiration from. As an artist, I think we are constantly trying to discover something more about who we are and what drives our passion to create. In my paintings, I was trying to reach my own sense of inner-peace or nirvana, and trying to touch into my own spirituality, while also remembering the value of happiness and patience while creating.
Art is something that constantly surrounds us.
In any art form, we spend years sending messages out into the world and perfecting our craft, in hopes that we can fall into perfect harmony with the ever changing struggles of life, but rarely are we ever met with a response. What my own art has taught me is the value of loving oneself in order to send love to the world as a result, and the value of painting when it comes straight from the soul or from a gut feeling.
All art contains a piece of who we are. The more pieces we discover of ourselves, the better we can know ourselves. Art for me, is a form of therapy, an escape from the world when sometimes the world has seemed to become dark. Painting helps me rediscover the light.